On Tuesday, March 19, friends and family gathered to celebrate the arrival of When It Hurts to Hope. It was a dream come true!
I wish everyone could have been there—but since we're not all neighbors in Middle Tennessee, I wanted to share a few photos with those who couldn't make it.
A special thanks to The Well Coffeehouse for use of their amazing space, Kevin Neely for capturing footage, and Hannah King for the gorgeous pictures below!

My husband, Jeff Miller—the love of my life, my # 1 fan.

Pictured above is my dear friend, Jessica Sly, who is an author herself. Check out her work if you'd like to read a wonderful historical fiction trilogy!

Perhaps the best part of the night was being surrounded by (most of) my amazing family! Pictured left to right are my future brother-in-law Christo, my sister Becca, of course Jeff, my dad, David (who read and gave incredibly helpful feedback on an early draft), my mom, Tamara, my sister Liz, my sister Miriam, and my not-so-little little brother, Jonathan.
They traveled from Atlanta, Orlando, and Little Rock to be here!

Writing doesn't have to be a lonely endeavor.
Pictured above (left to right) is my amazing writer's group: Kelsey Chapman, Courtney Grace, Meredith Boggs, Mandy Johnson, and Johanna Vann. We write a variety of fiction and non-fiction. Without their love and support, When It Hurts to Hope would—quite literally—not exist in the world.

This is my photographer friend, Hannah King, who made the drive from Arkansas!

My friend, Courtney Grace, hosted a heartfelt interview. I talked about the book's main themes and shared some insight into the writing process.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL of the friends and family who were a special part of this celebration. Can't wait til the next one!